A new new website!
AI has truly changed the world. I don't always leverage it, but for transitioning my web content from sveltekit to nextjs, I have to say its impressive.
The workflow was pretty straight forward, as the existing site had most of the content and components written. Utilizing AI to rewrite the existing components from sveltekit to nextjs was a breeze. I did have to make a few tweaks, but overall it was a pretty seamless transition!
The bulk of the work was done in a few hours, and then I spent the rest of the time making sure the site was working as expected.
There were a few things that were a bit tricky, and a few libraries I wanted to switch out throughout the process. The main issues were around switching out the markdown parser, and the markdown renderer.
I also wanted to switch from using a UI library to a more minimalistic approach with shadcn/ui + tailwindcss, so that i can have more control over the look and feel of the site.
Now that it's all done, i can start adding some of the features i've been wanting to add for a while now.
A few of the next things on my list are as follows:
- Add a database to the site - probably based in postgres so i can have an auth system
- Add a comment system to the site - this way i can have a real conversation with people!
I have more ideas, but I'm still working out the details before I announce them!
If you want to checkout the repo, you can do so here.
Until next time, happy coding!